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Solomon Kane: Death’s Black Riders #2 (of 4)
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Scott Allie
Çizer: Mario Guevara
Travelers beware! The roads of Germany's Black Forest are haunted by all manner of wolf, bandit, and demon! After a harrowing battle with the disgusting and deadly Black Rider creatures, even confident, stalwart combatants like Solomon Kane and the mysterious L'Armon know enough to seek safety during the sinister hours of the night. The shelter they've stumbled upon looks foreboding, but its heavy doors will keep those that lurk in the forest at bay. However, will the wickedness within this strange tavern prove to be deadlier than the evil beasts roaming outside? Solomon Kane and L'Armon will soon find out. They're staying at the ominously named Cleft Skull -- a place, it is said, that few come to visit twice! Scott Allie (Star Wars: Empire, Exurbia) adapts Robert E. Howard's classic "Rattle of Bones" tale, as Mario Guevara (The Lone Ranger and Tonto) and Juan Ferreyra (Rex Mundi, Small Gods) join him in another excursion into horror, suspense, and adventure.

"Solomon Kane is a welcome addition to the other excellent Howard properties produced by Dark Horse."-Comics Bulletin

"Guevara's art is the right fit for this series; it's dark and moody -- just like Kane."
-Comics Buyer's Guide

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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
52,50 TL

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