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Spawn #232 (Todd McFarlane Regular Cover)
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Todd McFarlane, Jon Goff
Çizer: Szymon Kudranski
A Massacre!
An Awakening!
And The True Face of Evil!
Featuring another classic TODD McFARLANE cover!!!

As the world eagerly awaits the gifts of their newest savior, Jim Downing's struggle for control over the darkness within him threatens to jeopardize everything he has worked to build. Violence erupts in the deserts of Mexico as the K7 goes on a feeding frenzy, and for the first time Jim awakens to the realities of the monster that lives within him. Can a man live with so much blood on his hands, or will the weight of the world's sins crush any hope of salvation? While Jim wrestles with his new reality, an old adversary explores the true power behind Jim's'miracles,' as THE CURSE makes his deadly return!

Also Featured: The K7-Leetha is a weapon of mass destruction birthed in the pits of Hell, a living creation built for one purpose -- death. But what happens when a tool of unending violence has its own ambitions? A dark future awaits and the path forward begins here.

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28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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