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Spider-Man: 24 / 7
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Phil Jimenez, Dan Slott, Fred Van Lente, Mark Waid, Zeb Wells
Çizer: Dale Eaglesham, Phil Jimenez, Barry Kitson, Mike McKone, Paolo Rivera, Paulo Siqueira
You think your life is hard? Try being Spider-Man 24/7! First shift you’ve got your old baddie, the Spot, cutting a path through the Russian mob and taking no prisoners! Second shift, you’ve got to head to the Macroverse on an adventure with the Fantastic Four — where Johnny Storm thinks something funny’s going on with your secret identity! Then you have to make it back in time for third shift: a showdown with the new mayor’s Spidey-killing strike-force, a new and improved Vulture out for blood, and — wait... who’s this new mayor? By the time this week is done, are you really going to want to “celebrate” Wolverine’s birthday with him in a downtown dive bar? Of course you’re Spider-Man! 24/7! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #589-594 and material from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN EXTRA! #2.
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özel sipariş
176 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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