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Spider-Man: Brand New Day Yearbook #1
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Mike Fichera, John Rhett Thomas
The past year saw some major changes for everyone's favorite wall-crawler. For a recap of the 365 Brand New Days, grab yourself a copy of the Spider-Man Yearbook — featuring an illustrated, Saga-style synopsis of the thrice-monthly storytelling by the Spectacular
Spider-Man Brain-Trust of Bob Gale, Marc Guggenheim, Joe Kelly, Dan Slott, Mark Waid and Zeb Wells! Get to
know the new BND Spider-Cast intimately with Official Handbook profiles spotlighting "Best Dressed" Jackpot, "Most Likely to Succeed" Anti-Venom, "Worst Breath" Freak, "Class Clown" Screwball and more. Plus: a plethora of powerful pin-ups to warrant purchasing two-copies for postering your walls!
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64 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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