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Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Carnage is back and he plans on painting the town red! Recruiting some of the most vicious and insane super villains in the world to his cause Carnage and crew set about killing all in their path, for the pure thrill of bloodshed. Now Spider-Man but stand against this horrid crew, but he cannot do it alone. In order to defeat Carnage he must team up with one of his greatest foes - Venom. Black Cat, Firestar, Cloak, Dagger and many other heroes join Spider-Man in his battle against the insanity of Carnage, but can even the combined might of these heroes stop Carnage's killing spree?
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330 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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