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Spider-Man, Peter Parker: Back in Black
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Matt Fraction, Sean McKeever
FROM THE DARKNESS COMES A SPIDER…Spider-Man has never been more sensational than in “Back in Black,” the event that has profoundly rewritten the rules for Peter Parker! The harrowing moments of CIVIL WAR may be in his rearview mirror, but their repercussions are a constant ordeal in Peter’s life, as he must face the challenges born from the revelation of his identity. Facing down an army of super-powered Spider-Man impostors, grappling with the evil Mister Hyde, and standing up to the scourge of Venom and his alter ego Eddie Brock – the stakes have never been higher as he tries to navigate an emotional terrain that has found him forever changed. Collecting SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #35-40 and ANNUAL #1, SPIDER-MAN FAMILY #1-2, MARVEL SPOTLIGHT: SPIDER-MAN, and SPIDER-MAN: BACK IN BLACK HANDBOOK.
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336 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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