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Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable Vol. 01
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Tom DeFalco, Peter David
Çizer: Ron Frenz, Rick Leonardi, Brett Breeding, Alan Kupperberg, Josef Rubinstein, Vince Colletta
He's a wall-crawling wonder; she's a mercenary marvel! Together, they...well, get on each other's nerves, mostly - but they make a great team, as long as they're not matching blows and ideologies themselves! See their lives intertwine both in shared adventures and apart, as Spidey faces the ability and ego of Silver's ex, the Foreigner, while Silver herself squares off against that hot-headed Hobgoblin-to-be, Jack O'Lantern! Plus: the gathering of the Sinister Syndicate and the reformation of Sandman! Guest-starring Daredevil and the Black Cat! Collects AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #265 and #279-281, and PETER PARKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #128-129.
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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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