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Spider-Verse: Spider-Zero TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Miles Morales falls through a dimensional portal into a new multiversal adventure! Wait, wasn't the Web of Life and Destiny destroyed? Maybe not, True Believer! But who spun this new web? And why? Whatever the answers, the entire Spider-Verse is in big trouble - and it's time to come together once again! Featuring wall-crawlers familiar and new, including a world where Aunt May became the super-powered Spider-Ma'am! Fan-favorite Peni Parker, A.K.A. SP//dr! The beyond-the-grave return of Spider-Man Noir! Sheriff Stacy vs. the Sinister Sextet! And who is...Spider-Zero?! Can Miles and his friends repair the Web and return balance to the multiverse? Thrill to bombastic battles against some of the scariest villains in Marvel history - and #SPIDERSONAS from some of the biggest Spidey fans and creators out there! Collecting SPIDER-VERSE (2019) #1-6.
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136 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
269,85 TL
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