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Star Wars: Boba Fett - Man With A Mission
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Thomas Andrews, Ron Marz, John Ostrander, John Wagner
Çizer: Cam Kennedy, Adriana Melo, Francisco Ruiz Velasco
The greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy faces four of his most dangerous missions in this volume of hard-to-find Boba Fett adventures!

Whether it's taking on an Imperial ship designed to wipe out entire alien species or battling amidst a vicious civil war fueled by both the Rebellion and the Empire, entering an abandoned Star Destroyer seeking a mysterious prize or settling a dispute between an Imperial outpost and the local leadership, there's no job too deadly for the man in the Mandalorian armor--if the price is right!

* Contains 104 pages of never-before-collected Boba Fett stories!
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104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
194,25 TL

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