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Star Wars: Knight Errant #2 (of 5) - Aflame Part 2
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: John Jackson Miller
Çizer: Federico Dallocchio
Jedi Knight Kerra Holt thought she was prepared for anything that could happen on the volunteer mission that took her deep into Sith space. But now, trapped behind enemy lines, Kerra looks toward a life without the support of the Republic . . . and if her headstrong ways continue to lead her actions, she may end up without any support at all!

*The second issue in a brand-new series, with a brand--new hero, in an uncharted era of Star Wars!

* John Jackson Miller is also writing a Knight Errant novel for Del Rey starring Kerra Holt in an original adventure! See her here first!
Meet a new kind of Jedi for a new era of Star Wars!
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36 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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