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Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy HC
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Mike Baron
Çizer: Olivier Vatine, Fred Blanchard, Edvin Biukovic
A shake-up in the Sith leadership has made the galaxy a worse place, not a better one. On the planet of Dac, the Mon Calamari are still feeling the wrath of Darth Krayt -- their punishment for betraying the Sith Empire. Meanwhile, a victory has turned sour -- and possibly deadly -- for Cade Skywalker and his companions. And the Galactic Alliance comes closer to forming an alliance with deposed Emperor Roan Fel’s forces against their mutual enemy. Now, if they can just agree on who that enemy is . . .

* Legacy continues to expand into the uncharted future of the Star Wars universe!

* The first four volumes of Star Wars: Legacy have combined to sell over 100,000 copies!
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
420 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
159×234 mm
524,85 TL

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