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Symbiote Spider-Man (2019) #2 (of 5) (Jong-ju Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Peter David
Çizer: Greg Land, Jay Leisten
Set during the original ALIEN COSTUME SAGA - before Peter learned of the symbiote suit's true nature - comes the second installment of this all-new tale from comic legends Peter David and Greg Land! Mysterio, after swallowing another loss against Spider-Man, has sworn vengeance upon the web-slinger! Recruiting another villain to to enlisting the aid of an impressionable hollywood stuntman to take on Spider-Man, Mysterio is dead set on ending Web-Head once and for all! However, the symbiote suit isn't willing to give up its host without a fight...
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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