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Tales from Wonderland: Queen of Hearts vs. The Mad Hatter (Tony Shasteen Cover)
[Zenescope Entertainment]
Yazar: Raven Gregory
Çizer: Martin Montiel
The eighth one-shot episode of Tales From Wonderland is here.
A young boy born of an unholy union in ancient times finds himself transported to the world of madness and mayhem. Donning a suit of magical armor he becomes the heroic White Knight whose purity lights the darkness of Wonderland. But when the knight is faced with the choice of destroying evil at the cost of his own innocence will he fall and become as corrupt as the monsters he hunts? Also contains part one of a back up story featuring the final chapter of Charles Dodgson’s rise to power.

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48 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL
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