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Ted McKeever Library Vol. 02: Eddy Current HC
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Ted McKeever
Çizer: Ted McKeever
Eddy Current is insane. At least that's what the world deems him to be. The very same world he intends to save. A window of opportunity opens, literally, allowing our hero to escape the asylum he calls home. Bed-check isn't until 6 am, giving him 12 hours of freedom to accomplish his hero-given quest. Joined by a massive wall-of-a-woman called Nun, Eddy will live an adventure...filled with the depths of humanities darkest crevices, as well as the heights and power of friendship and redemption.
This volume features all 12 issues, plus unused art, and a slew of extras. Collected under one cover for the first time!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
358 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
524,85 TL

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