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The Art of George Perez HC
[IDW Publishing]
Çizer: George Perez
Desperado and IDW are proud to present a retrospective volume devoted to the entire career of one of today's most popular artists, George Perez. This book offers readers and fans a chance to witness his immense and sensational career from his early days at Marvel to his glory days at DC where he co-created the New Teen Titans, which rivaled the X-Men in popularity at the time, and revitalized Wonder Woman as both writer and artist. This volume covers his return to the Avengers, as well as his resurgence at CrossGen and his own independent projects. This tome also offers glimpses of previously never-before-seen material from his files and sketchbooks, private commissioned work, as well as beautifully reproduced images of his personal favorites with insights into his life and creative process. This book is a necessity for any George Perez fan, as well as for anyone who truly appreciates comic books in general.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
256 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
749,85 TL

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