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Thor: Ages of Thunder
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Matt Fraction
Çizer: Doug Braithwaite, Dan Brereton, Marko Djurdjevic, Clay Mann, Patrick Zircher
Thor is the favored son of Odin, a paragon of bravery, nobility and strength. From Asgard to Hel and through all realms between, Thor’s titanic struggles on behalf of his beloved homeland of fellow immortals have become legend. But what happens when Thor decides to stand down? To not clean up the mess that the gods themselves create? To teach his vain brethren of fellow immortals — and even his father, Odin — that he is not one to take for granted? Ages of Thunder is a story of a god’s ultimate destiny toward humility through humanity. Told by superstar writer Matt Fraction (Invincible Iron Man) and luxuriously rendered with bristling action tableaus by a veritable godly pantheon of artists, it is a Thor epic for the ages. Collecting THOR: AGES OF THUNDER ONE-SHOT, THOR: REIGN OF BLOOD ONE-SHOT, THOR: MAN OF WAR ONE-SHOT and THOR GOD-SIZED.
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özel sipariş
160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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