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Thor Epic Collection: The Thor War TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Thor Corps unite! Eric Masterson is still settling into his role as the replacement Thor - and Hercules' 'training' isn't much help. Will Eric be able to keep up when he joins forces with Beta Ray Bill and Dargo Ktor, the 26th-century Thunder God? Zarrko the Tomorrow Man may be more than even they can handle when he plucks a cadre of classic Thor villains out of the timestream to join him - including the scheming Loki! Meanwhile, Balder and Sif search for the real Odinson. When Dr. Donald Blake returns, could it be a clue? And why is Eric Masterson heading into Hell itself? Plus: Operation Galactic Storm takes Thor into space! Dargo meets the Guardians of the Galaxy! Thor battles Absorbing Man, Titania and...Spider-Man?! And the deadly debut of Bloodaxe! Collecting THOR (1966) #437-450 and ANNUAL #16-17.
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472 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
599,85 TL

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