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Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 02: Quiet Room TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Welcome to the Marvel Universe's newest nightspot, the fascinating Quiet Room. But don't let the name put you off - things will get rowdy! There's a heist to solve, a brawl on the club floor and two evil geniuses turning a game of poker into a game of super-powered chicken. No wonder Black Bolt is pulling in the big guns to put his house in order! Meanwhile, Prince Ahura vies for power, Reader is separated from his best friend and Inhuman investigator Frank McGee is on the trail of the jilted ex-leader of Ennilux. But the big question on everybody's lips: How did Medusa and the Human Torch get together? You're about to discover how a catastrophe turned into a meet-cute for Marvel's newest 'It' couple. But so is Crystal - Medusa's little sister and Johnny's first love. Uh-oh! Collecting UNCANNY INHUMANS #5-10.
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136 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
269,85 TL
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