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Vader's Little Princess HC
[Chronicle Books]
Yazar: Jeffrey Brown
Çizer: Jeffrey Brown
In this irresistibly funny follow-up to the breakout bestseller Darth Vader and Son, Vader - Sith Lord and leader of the Galactic Empire - now faces the trials, joys, and mood swings of raising his rebellious teenage daughter, Princess Leia. Smart and sweetly funny illustrations by artist Jeffrey Brown give classic Star Wars moments a twist by bringing these two galactic adversaries together under one roof. From teaching Leia how to fly a TIE fighter, to regulating the time she spends talking with friends via R2-D2's hologram, to making sure Leia doesn't leave the house wearing only a metal bra and slinky skirt, Vader's parenting skills are put hilariously to the test.
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64 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
224,25 TL

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