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Vagabond Vol. 05 TP (Vizbig Edition)
[Viz Media]
Yazar: Takehiko Inoue
Çizer: Takehiko Inoue
Glimmering Waves

In a remote seaside village, an abandoned infant is left to the care of a reclusive old man who has all but renounced the ways of the world. This helpless child is destined to become Sasaki Kojirô--the legendary archrival of Miyamoto Musashi. Inoue's unique take on this enigmatic figure sets up the foundation for his fictional account of the most famous rivalry in Japanese history. Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher--the most celebrated samurai of all time!

Not: sağdan sola okunur.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
624 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
146×218 mm
299,85 TL

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