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Valen the Outcast Vol. 02: Death Eternal TP
[Boom! Studios]
Yazar: Michael Alan Nelson
Çizer: Matteo Scalera
EVERY QUEST MUST END. Valen Brand used to be the beloved King of Oakhaven until the necromancer Korrus Null stole his soul. Now, with the help of his old friend Zjanna and their drunken guide Alexio Cordovan, Valen is on a mission to get it back. Written by fan-favorite creator Michael Alan Nelson (28 Days Later, Robert E. Howard's Hawks of Outremer) with art by rising star Matteo Scalera (Secret Avengers, Deadpool), Valen the Outcast is a blend of 'epic fantasy' and 'sword-and-sorcery' that is perfect for fans of A Game of Thrones and Conan the Barbarian.

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112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
224,85 TL

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