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Wakanda Forever: X-Men (2018) #1 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Nnedi Okorafor
Çizer: Ray-Anthony Height
Former Dora Milaje member and eternal troublemaker Nakia, A.K.A. Malice, has set a trap to lure the Black Panther into her obsessive clutches! Step One: Take out the Panther's one true love, Storm of the X-Men! But Nakia didn't count on the interference of her former warriors-in-arms, the fierce Dora Milaje - and they're hot on her trail. Can Okoye, Ayo and Aneka capture Malice before she wreaks havoc on their king's life - again? The talented Ray-Anthony Height joins best-selling author Nnedi Okorafor for the second installment of WAKANDA FOREVER!
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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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