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War Machine #10
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Greg Pak
Çizer: Allan Jefferson, R.B. Silva, Nelson Pereira
A DARK REIGN TIE-IN! For the last nine issues, Norman Osborn and James Rhodes have attempted to destroy each other's most precious hopes and dreams – all without ever seeing each other face to face. But now everything comes to a head as Iron Patriot and War Machine finally throw down! And this ain't just another show fight, kids -- by the end of this issue, only one armored giant will remain standing! Find out why says, “Little did I know how far Greg Pak would take this concept…this issue proves that it refuses to let itself be overlooked. It won't sit quietly in its little corner and play nice.”
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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