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WWE #2
[Super Genius]
Yazar: Mick Foley
Çizer: Alitha Martinez
'Money in the Bank' Part 2 - While the whole world wonders what happened to CM Punk, the answer is right here! He's in Titan City! Imagine a city much like any other crumbling, crime-ridden, corrupt modern city, except its key people are shockingly similar to WWE super-stars. That city is Titan City. And Titan City is on the brink of chaos while warring factions try to track down the missing $10,000,000.00 that was allegedly stolen by John Cena! CM Punk prepares the people against the corrupt McMahon machine. John Cena finds himself manhandled by the enforcer Mark Henry. And Randy Orton confronts someone who could change the landscape of the city forever with just one word: Yes! Daniel Bryan is ready to take over!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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