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X-23: The Complete Collection Vol. 01 TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
The origin of X-23! Cloned from Wolverine's cells and raised to be the perfect killer, young Laura Kinney never knew a life free from the harsh masters at the Facility. But now she's broken loose at last and must forge her own path in the world! Free of her chains and determined to live, Laura will write the next chapter of her story herself. But can X-23 escape her training and her instincts, or will the gallons of blood spilled in her violent past drag her down? And can she truly begin a new life until she faces the man whose shadow has loomed over her for years? Enter: The Wolverine! Collecting X-23 (2005) #1-6, X-23: TARGET X #1-6, CAPTAIN UNIVERSE/X-23, X-23 (2010) ONE-SHOT and #1-3, and material from X-MEN: TO SERVE AND PROTECT #2.

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456 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
524,85 TL

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