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X-Men vs. Apocalypse Vol. 02: Ages of Apocalypse
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Karl Bollers, Ben Raab, Alan Davis, Terry Kavanagh, Joe Pruett, Erik Larsen, Joseph Harris
Çizer: Joe Bennett, Anthony Williams, Adam Kubert, Graham Nolan, Bernard Chang, Roger Cruz, Brett Booth, Alan Davis, Tom Raney
The Shi'Ar on the Moon, Cable and his wife in Egypt, Wolverine in the Negative Zone — what's wrong with this picture? Apocalypse has risen from the past to change timelines until he finds one he likes — but when the original X-Man looks him in the eye, both men are lost, leaving the X-Men to comb the world for friend and enemy alike! Will Cyclops literally become the thing he fears and hates the most, and vice versa? And where does the Red Skull fit into all of this? Anywhere he wants to! Guest-starring the Hulk, Machine Man, Deathlok and more! Collecting X-51 #8, UNCANNY X-MEN #378 and ANNUAL 1999, CABLE #77, WOLVERINE #148,
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özel sipariş
288 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
449,85 TL

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