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Young Allies #1
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Sean Mckeever
Çizer: David Baldeon
THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! The patriotic girl without a world in need of a home. The insecure newbie striving to be a better super hero. The illegal immigrant with a tortured past and a dream. The disillusioned Midwesterner desperate for direction. The veteran team player given a second lease on life. Five heroes against tyranny in all its forms. Five students pushing to make the grade. Five friends together on the road to adulthood. They are NOMAD, ARAÑA, TORO, GRAVITY and FIRESTAR--the YOUNG ALLIES! But even their combined might may not be enough to take on the team of teen terrors known as the BASTARDS OF EVIL!
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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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