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Zombie: Simon Garth
[Marvel Comics - MAX]
Yazar: Kyle Hotz, Eric Powell
Çizer: Kyle Hotz
The last time we saw Simon Garth, the bank teller single-handedly stopped a gang of murderous robbers and got shot, bitten by zombies and med-evac-ed straight into Army custody for scientific experimentation as death and the necrotic infection overtook him fast. No problem, right? Find out how Simon got out of THAT one - assuming he did - and check out his further adventures battling the undead - unless, that is, he's one of them now - in a brutal, gory, disgusting...awesome re-imagining of one of Marvel's strangest horror heroes, that could only be dreamed up by artist/co-writer Kyle Hotz (ZOMBIE) and Eric Powell (The Goon)! Collecting THE ZOMBIE: SIMON GARTH #1-4.

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özel sipariş
96 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
209,85 TL

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