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Zombies vs. Robots Aventure #1 (of 4)
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Chris Ryall
Çizer: Gabriel Hernandez, Menton Matthews III, Paul McCaffrey
Zombies vs Robots is back, retooled and rarin’ to go monthly in this new 4-part series. Chris Ryall scripts, Ashley Wood provides the covers, and a cadre of new artists tackle three serialized tales. Beginning in this issue, the war story of “Kampf” (art by Menton Matthews III); the growth of the human resistance in “Masques” (art by Paul McCaffrey); and a new form of zombies is born in “Zuvembies vs Robots” (with art by Gabriel Hernandez).

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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